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Residents Share Big Ideas at Open House


Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Neighbors get up close and personal with the Moody at the Crossroads Comprehensive Plan

It sounds technical, even bureaucratic, but “comprehensive planning” is actually at the root of resident experiences day to day — something that became increasingly apparent to attendees of the Moody at the Crossroads Open House on Tuesday, October 4.

What they found: An opportunity to chime in on how the city addresses its issues and prioritizes its ambitions.

Better roads, more recreational opportunities, and local restaurants are but a few of the many ideas shared by dozens of Moody residents in attendance. Mayor Joe Lee, members of the City Council, staff and representatives from the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham and the consultant team were all on hand to meet with residents and gather their thoughts and ideas on what’s working, what’s not working, and what’s needed in the city.

A few of the more popular ideas shared include:

  • More local business, including restaurants and shopping;

  • A “real” downtown at the US 411 and Park Avenue crossroads;

  • More outdoor recreational opportunities, such as greenways, sports and recreational fields, and dog parks;

  • Sidewalks connecting to Moody Park and other destinations in the city.


If you weren’t able to come by, there’s still time to voice your ideas and concerns with our online survey which will remain open until Friday, October 14.


The Moody at the Crossroads project team will use the ideas from the workshop, along with feedback received from the online survey, to develop recommendations for the Comprehensive Plan. A draft of the plan will be released in early 2023 so stay tuned.

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