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'Map Your Opinions': Pinpoint your input with this new tool


Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Interactive mapping tool lets Moody residents identify assets, issues and goals.

Beginning Thursday, August 25, Moody residents will be able to share location-specific concerns and ambitions with the Moody Comprehensive Planning team. Such input helps ensure future quality of life through more effective allocation of city resources.

Want sidewalks, greenways or trails? Zoom on in and draw what you imagine. See opportunities lurking in everyday places? Make a note. Frustrated by failing or poorly performing infrastructure? Let us know.

The map is an opportunity for Moody citizens to get specific about the kinds of issues that will ultimately be addressed by the city's Comprehensive Plan currently being updated. Together with input collected from the online survey and the upcoming kick-off meeting, it will form the team's baseline understanding of Moody, both where we are and where we'd like to be.

Both the map and survey will remain open until at least Friday, October 14. Be sure to click through and be heard.

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